10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 16)

2. The WWF Didn't Pay Steve Austin When He Was Out Injured

Stone Cold Neck Injury

Steve Austin's serious neck issues can be traced back to that botched Piledriver from Owen Hart at SummerSlam 1997. Around two years later, Austin was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery and take nine months away from the ring. During that period, Stone Cold wasn't paid by the WWF.

Yes, as shocking as it sounds, Austin only received residual income/royalty checks every quarter, but didn't get his usual salary on top of it. This is something Steve revealed on his podcast, claiming WWE didn't pay guys who were out injured back then.

That's pretty alarming, especially considering the severity of Austin's injury.

Nowadays, WWE cover everything in full when a talent is injured on their watch. That didn't happen for Austin, and (despite being one of the biggest stars in the industry) he had to sit on the sidelines wasting away without any regular income.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.