10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 1)

2. Sasha Banks Constantly Yells At Bayley To Get Out Of Bed

Bayley Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks and Bayley are a shoe-in to be part of the upcoming Elimination Chamber match that'll crown the first ever WWE Women's Tag-Team Champions. They've been linked together on screen for a few years now, but their real-life friendship extends beyond that. In NXT, they developed a bond that made them inseparable.

Sometimes, Sasha questions it.

She told Edge and Christian in a recent podcast interview that she's constantly sighing her way through mornings on the road with Bayley. They're different people in that respect. Sasha is a morning person and Bayley prefers nights. That makes the daily routine angst-ridden; Banks is always yelling at Bayley to haul ass out of bed.

Despite being great friends, they didn't actually start travelling together until Bayley was called up to the main roster in 2016. That, apparently, is when the 'Legit Boss' started bossing her huggable pal around, if only so they wouldn't be late.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.