10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 2)

8. Vince McMahon Personally Warned X-Pac About Being Contrary

X-Pac Kane Royal Rumble 2000

By his own admission, X-Pac wasn't the easiest guy to deal with during his peak run as a member of D-Generation X in the 90s. Whenever creative would come up with an idea for him, Pac would turn it down or deliberately look to change things just to be a renegade. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, he realises that wasn't always for the best.

During an interview with The Tomorrow Show, X-Pac told how Vince McMahon pulled him aside for a quick chat backstage after witnessing him arrogantly dismiss one of the WWF's writers. McMahon told his employee that he could see Pac 'knew how to shoot, but he should sometimes think about leaving that gun in the holster'.

Despite the boss giving him fair warning about his attitude, Pac didn't learn. He was on top of the world, part of a super-cool faction and believed he had all the answers. It's only in recent years that the ex-DX man has been able to appreciate what Vince told him.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.