10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 2)

7. Teaming With Cesaro Taught Sheamus To Relax

Raw The Bar Sheamus Cesaro

Sheamus was a former 3-time WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champ, 2-time United States Champion, King Of The Ring and Royal Rumble winner before he started teaming regularly with Cesaro in 2016. The pair have lasted longer as a unit than many expected; teams shoved together post-feud don't tend to last. Just look at Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit.

Though forming the tag-team seemed like a step backwards for both, it has worked out for the best. The Bar are one of WWE's most over teams, have developed excellent chemistry and are now great friends away from the ring. Teaming with Cesaro is also the first time Sheamus has let his guard down, relaxed and just been himself on TV.

The Irishman revealed this when speaking to 411mania. For the first time in his WWE run, Sheamus is able to focus on having fun during promos and matches. Before, he'd hide behind the 'Celtic Warrior' character and overthink what he was doing.

Every cloud and all that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.