10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 2)

3. Eric Bischoff Didn't Know About Those Undertaker To WCW Rumours

Undertaker American Badass

There's a long-standing rumour that The Undertaker held talks with WCW to give himself leverage over Vince McMahon in 1999. The story goes that 'Taker wanted to stop playing his supernatural gimmick and become an American biker, so he met with Eric Bischoff to have the advantage over McMahon during negotiations.

Bischoff shot these rumours down when talking to Pop Culture this week. The former WCW boss said he didn't hear about the speculation until years after WCW had folded, and he doesn't believe there was any way Undertaker would go behind McMahon's back either. To Bischoff, the entire thing was make believe created by people backstage in WCW.

It's unknown just how frosty things were between 'Taker and McMahon in '99 (or even if they were tense at all), but it doesn't look like a WCW move was ever on the table. Bischoff said some 'low-level workers in production' probably fabricated the story to keep them busy.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.