10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Feb 2)

2. Scott Hall Thought WWE Were Ribbing Him Pre-Raw 25

Scott Hall

Scott Hall's appearance at the Manhattan Center was one of Raw 25's few highlights. Hall looked healthy, happy to be there and more like Razor Ramon than he had in years. One thing he didn't look however was ready to wrestle, so imagine his horror when WWE asked the guy to bring his gear along just in case.

On X-Pac 1, 2, 360, Hall said he asked the company if they were ribbing him with the suggestion. He's in better shape than he was a few years back, but Hall is nowhere near confident enough to pull on a pair of old Razor trunks and get physical in the ring. Hopefully, WWE were being light-hearted and pulling his leg.

That's all the show would have needed. Seeing Hall trying to be the man he was 25 years ago (or worse, hitting a Razor's Edge on The Revival) could have been embarrassing. Scott admits he left the trunks at home and secretly knew it wasn't going to happen.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.