10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 13)

7. AJ Styles Thinks He Needs To Be Better As A Heel

John Cena

In terms of a debut year, AJ Styles has had one of the absolute best in WWE history. 2016 sparkled whenever Styles entered the ring, his matches against the likes of Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns, John Cena and Dean Ambrose were all highlights.

Starting out as a fan favourite, AJ quickly morphed into one of the better heels on WWE television. Remarkably, the man himself doesn't agree, feeling he needs to do better when playing villain in the promotion. This was something he repeated during a chat with AL.com this past week.

It's legitimately difficult to find any flaws in AJ's 2016, he was on top form throughout. Styles even made enhancement talent like James Ellsworth look great on numerous occasions. To AJ though, the fact he still hears cheers from live audiences is a sign that he needs to work harder as a heel.

Such stunning self-criticism is perhaps why Styles is one of the finest pro wrestlers on the planet today. It appears he isn't content to be over, so long as he is cheered AJ feels he isn't doing his job.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.