10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 19)

2. Y2J Planned To Cross Body Off HIAC At Judgment Day 2002

triple h chris jericho

To date, Chris Jericho has worked just one Hell In A Cell match on pay-per-view, and it happened all the way back in May of 2002. As he was blowing off a major feud with Triple H at Judgment Day, Y2J planned to do something spectacular and leap from atop the Cell onto the Un-Americans down below.

He would have gotten away with it too, had it not been for that pesky cage's height.

Jericho wanted to dive off the top and land a Cross Body on Lance Storm, Christian, Test and others. This would be his Cell moment, one to rival Mick Foley's history of Cell-based bumps. Unlike Mick, Jericho didn't fancy going through with the spot once he scaled the structure pre-show and realised how high the drop was.

On his Talk Is Jericho podcast, Chris said he recalls saying "screw that" before climbing back down and telling everyone involved that he wouldn't be risking it. He and Triple H did still brawl on the top, but Jericho didn't dive off.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.