10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Jan 27)

2. HBK Thought He'd Be Reminiscing About Max Moon At Raw 25

Max Moon Shawn Michaels

The whole D-Generation X segment at Raw 25 made little sense. Triple H spoke of coming back to where it all started for the group, completely ignoring the fact DX were never part of the Manhattan Center's history; DX didn't form until 1997, by which time the WWF hadn't used the Center for years.

Shawn Michaels also appeared as the roguish 'D-Generate' rather than as the 'Heart Break Kid'. It was all very confusing, and even Shawn himself didn't appear to have a clue what was expected of him when talking to Metro UK. Before the show, Michaels thought he'd be talking about Max Moon.

We're not making that up. During the Metro interview, HBK figured looking back to his Intercontinental Title match against Moon on Raw's first episode made the most sense. Whilst true he was never going to give the game away to a UK newspaper, it doesn't look like Shawn was clued in on the DX party until he arrived in Manhattan.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.