10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 12)

7. Sabu Paid Wrestlers From His Own Pocket

Sabu WWE

He's 'Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal', and he's more likely to put himself through a nearby table than anyone else. The scarred, contorted body of Sabu, born through years of grisly hardcore battles involving barbed wire, makes him look like a human road map. Beneath that tough exterior beats the heart of a man who likes helping others.


It's true. During his interview with the 'Cut The Promo' podcast, Al Snow talked Sabu up as a class act, said they'd been friends for years and told how the ECW original would regularly help others out of a hole. When promoters back in the day stiffed workers on pay, this table-breaking maniac would reach deep into his own pockets and stump up some cash.

This wasn't uncommon, according to Al. Sabu knew he was earning more money than his peers that night, and he wanted to make sure they weren't shortchanged for their efforts. What a guy. Who would've guessed Sabu was the charitable sort?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.