10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 12)

3. "It Should've Been Me" Was Dolph Ziggler's Idea

Dolph Ziggler

By his own admission, Dolph Ziggler has some creative control over what he does in WWE these days. He's one of the lucky ones who is able to make suggestions freely, and he's only too happy to take advantage of that; this means Dolph can pick his spots. If he doesn't like something, he can offer up an alternative.

Case in point: the whole, "It should've been me" thing with Kofi Kingston recently.

On the 'Sunday Night's Main Event' pod, Ziggler said that was 100% his idea. He was the one who brought it to WWE's attention, and they liked it. Dolph, who knew he had to come back and reference his past, identified the history he and Kingston share as the perfect opportunity to thrust himself into the WWE Title scene.

It was a money spot, one that Dolph was sure would work. It did, albeit temporarily. There's no doubt Ziggler vs. Kingston was an auxiliary feud for Kofi in between WrestleMania and SummerSlam. Still, it was one Dolph put time into writing himself.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.