10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (July 12)

4. What Impact A WWE Firing Had On R-Truth

K-Kwik Publicity

Back in 2002, the then K-Kwik was hanging out with his son at home when he received a phone call from WWE Talent Relations head John Laurinaitis. "What's Up?", he asked as he answered the phone. OK, that didn't happen, but come on. That joke had to be in here.

Seriously though, the future R-Truth picked up the receiver and sat in shock as Laurinaitis told him he was being released from contract. Truth's world stopped for a minute, and he instantly began fretting about his future. To him, losing his WWE dream meant going back to the streets, selling drugs and doing anything to get by.

He didn't want that, but it seemed inevitable. After the initial shock wore off, Truth promised himself he'd provide for his family responsibly and started investing in himself properly as a pro wrestler. That's when he joined the upstart TNA promotion, won the NWA Heavyweight Title and focused on improving as a worker.

Truth told this story on Edge and Christian's podcast, and said the sacking made him "hungry again". It didn't seem that way at first.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.