10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 23)

5. Shawn Michaels Told Cody Rhodes Never To Ask Gorilla How His Matches Were

Cody Rhodes

During an interview with the Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast, Cody Rhodes said that Shawn Michaels once gave him a key piece of advice he should follow after his matches. As Rhodes stood backstage, someone asked Michaels how his match had went. After Shawn answered them, he turned to Cody.

Telling his younger peer that he should never feel pressure to answer such questions, HBK then reasoned that wrestlers themselves know how their match went. Therefore, they don't have to justify it to anyone else. Instead of ignoring the question, though, Michaels said Rhodes should ask if there's anything he could have done differently.

From that moment on, Cody felt more confident when returning backstage and didn't outright ask anyone sitting at the Gorilla position whether or not his match was acceptable. Remembering Shawn's words, he listened to the live audience more than those watching on a monitor.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.