10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 23)

4. Randy Orton Has Hit The RKO Over 1,800 Times

Randy Orton Jinder Mahal RKO

Randy Orton's RKO is one of the most visually-appealing finishing moves in WWE history. There's a satisfying feel to it, because it 'comes out of nowhere' and happens so quickly. Best of all, Randy can use it on anybody, regardless of size or shape.

WrestleZone posted a Twitter video this week from a recent WWE house show in Indianapolis. There, Orton hit Kevin Owens with the RKO before pinning him, and the website claimed this was the 1,800th time Randy had locked in his trademark move in a WWE ring. That's quite the statistic.

There have been subsequent WWE events since that show on Monday, including this week's SmackDown Live broadcast, so that means Orton has hit the RKO over 1,800 times.

Give it a few months and he'll crack the 2,000 mark, especially if he himself catches wind of the stat!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.