10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 30)

9. James Storm's Mother Inspired His Trademark Line

James Storm

Aside from a brief stint in NXT, James Storm's cowboy character has been tied to TNA since the promotion's early days. When he wasn't teaming with Chris Harris as America's Most Wanted or Bobby Roode as Beer Money, Storm was carving his own path using catchphrases like, "Sorry About Your Damn Luck".

Speaking with USA Today's For The Win, the beer-guzzling Storm said it was actually his mother who inspired the phrase. Joking with her son, she'd say, "sorry about your luck" if he asked for something ridiculous as a child. As James got older, his parent adapted it to include the word "damn".

When Storm started in wrestling, several asked him what his catchphrase would be for promos. Thinking back to his mother, James began using her words as part of his act, knowing she'd get a kick out of it all. What a cool origin story, one nobody would expect.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.