10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 7)

5. Batista "Starved For Three Years"

Batista Quits

Batista's wrestling journey ended after putting Triple H over at WrestleMania 35. In social media posts after the show, Dave was thankful for everything he'd achieved, and to WWE for giving him a proper chance to say goodbye on his own terms. Nine years earlier, things hadn't been so positive.

At the Pop Culture Con in Denver this past week, Batista claimed he "went broke" after leaving WWE in 2010.

He was determined to become a successful actor, but was left despondent after seeing his silver screen debut for an indy film when he was still wrestling. Batista then asked WWE to help facilitate his dreams, and ultimately left when they weren't interested. That's why he bit the bullet and decided to see if he could succeed on his own.

Things didn't go well at first, and Batista claims he "lost everything" over the next three years before starring as Drax in Guardians Of The Galaxy. After that smash hit changed his fortunes (literally) in 2014, he phoned Vince McMahon and wanted to talk about possibly returning for a short wrestling run.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.