10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (March 16)

6. Baron Corbin Only Found Out About His MITB Loss An Hour Prior

Baron Corbin Jinder Mahal

Between Money In The Bank and SummerSlam last year, Baron Corbin went from a surefire future WWE Champion to wondering what might have been. His loss to Jinder Mahal on the 15 August 2017 episode of SmackDown meant Corbin had to kiss goodbye the MITB briefcase.

That wasn't the long-term plan.

During a podcast appearance on All Things Wrestling Radio, Baron said he was only taken aside an hour before SmackDown started and told what was happening. As it wasn't long until the show started, there was zero time for him to be disappointed. It wasn't until afterwards that Corbin felt a bit gutted.

All he could do was continue to look forward and figure out his next spot. To Corbin's credit, he didn't moan about dropping the briefcase and instead asked what WWE had in mind for him after that night. Once they told him he'd be in the United State Title picture, he felt a bit more positive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.