10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (March 20)

2. WWE Staff Confiscate Daniel Bryan Signs

This past Monday on Raw, a lot of fans were left disappointed to learn that they couldn't bring their home-made signs and banners into the arena. Looking to get their handiwork on television and show their support for Daniel Bryan, a fair few supporters were miffed when WWE staff decreed that they couldn't take the signs in, because there were already far too many signs related to Bryan. It's unfathomable to imagine such a thing happening during the period when Steve Austin was on top, there's absolutely no way WWE (or any promotion that wasn't out of its mind) would try to discourage fans from showing support for their favourite. Obviously, Daniel Bryan isn't "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, but he is still one of the most popular names in wrestling today, and it's not very cool that WWE don't want that reflected purely on TV. Looking at any Raw broadcast from the Attitude Era, can there be too many signs at an event?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.