10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (March 27)

10. WWE Hall Of Famer Selling Ring

As WWE prepare to host this year's Hall Of Fame ceremony, inducting the likes of Kevin Nash and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage into the wing, one current Hall Of Famer has put his commemorative ring up for sale on eBay. Inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2011, Abdullah The Butcher is selling the item for $19,999 on the auction site, something which must have the company who honoured him miffed. Abdullah isn't the first man to pawn his Hall Of Fame ring, 'Superstar' Billy Graham did something similar a few years ago, apparently furious that there hasn't been any movement on an actual physical Hall Of Fame building/unit from Vince McMahon. It's unclear whether or not the same motivation rings true - pun intended - with the fearsome Abdullah, but this paints a worrying trend for the ceremony, and isn't exactly the kind of news WWE want breaking just days before they host the 2015 edition of the event. Talk about bad publicity!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.