10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 12)

7. Jay Lethal Wouldn't Consider His Career Incomplete Without A WWE Chance

jay lethal roh

Independent wrestling fans must be tearing their hair out at the thought of Jay Lethal never getting a shot with WWE. Proving himself as one of the finest wrestlers on the planet through his work with Ring Of Honor, the entertaining Lethal also showed his promo chops during a stint with TNA as the manic 'Black Machismo' character.

Waxing lyrical about his chances of ever making it to WWE with The Post & Courier, Lethal admitted he wouldn't consider his career a failure if the McMahon family didn't come calling. Going further, he isn't even actively pursuing a gig with the biggest company around.

Growing up, all Jay Lethal wanted to do was wrestle in WWE. Now, he views things differently and believes he has made it as a pro wrestler all by himself. That grounded outlook allows Lethal to be happy despite never getting the call from WWE.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.