10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 17)

9. How Tye Dillinger's 'Perfect 10' Gimmick Was Born

Tye Dillinger 10

In WWE's Performance Center, it's common practice for mentors and trainers to judge their trainees in several categories. On Edge and Christian's 'Pod Of Awesomeness', recently-released star Tye Dillinger said he was upset that he kept getting scores like 5.0 and 6.5 in most when he believed he was one of the better workers in the class.

One day, when venting to his buddy over the phone during WrestleMania season, Dillinger stumbled upon his 'Perfect 10' nickname and decided to turn it into an arrogant character. It was actually his friend who planted the seed in his brain when he said, "God, if anyone should be a perfect 10 then it's you".

That was all the inspiration Tye needed.

Looking back on his WWE run, Dillinger doesn't think the writers made the most of a character who was purpose-built to act like he was superior. When it started to resonate with fans, they turned him into a one-note babyface instead.

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