10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 27)

9. Cesaro Told Vince McMahon "Challenge Accepted" After Brass Ring Comments

cesaro brass ring

Imagine being Cesaro, driving down the road listening to Vince McMahon on Steve Austin's podcast to pass the time and keep tabs on what the boss is thinking. Suddenly, the one guy with the power to get behind you in WWE outright says you lack "it", thinks you lack charisma and admits he doesn't know what would get you to the next level.

On the All Things Wrestling Radio show, Cesaro said he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Right then and there, he promised himself he would confront McMahon backstage at the next TV tapings and ask him what was going on. Cesaro didn't plan a big rant, he simply walked into Vince's office, smirked and said "Challenge accepted" before walking off.

That took some balls, although it's fair to say Cesaro had to be hurting. He'd just heard the most powerful man in WWE tell the whole world that he lacked direction. Credit to Cesaro for cornering McMahon and letting him know he was aware of the comments.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.