10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 27)

3. Vince McMahon Didn't Know About TLC's "Too Sweet" Beforehand

Finn Balor AJ Styles

Vince McMahon has ruled WWE with an iron grip since the 1980's, so it's hard to envision anything slips his net. That's even more believable for pay-per-view. Those shows are some of WWE's biggest, so it makes sense to believe McMahon is even more hands-on with the product. It's surprising then to learn he didn't know about the 'Too Sweet' moment at TLC.

AJ Styles and Finn Bálor chose not to tell anybody behind the scenes what they had planned right after their match. According to AJ on Twitter, not even Vince knew that they were going to pay tribute to their Bullet Club past after wrestling. That's a nice story, but it's pretty hard to believe even if AJ is usually honest in interviews.

Think about it: WWE doled out a cease and desist order to The Young Bucks recently for their use of the hand gesture. Suddenly, the gesture appears on WWE pay-per-view right after that. Something smells fishy, though there is a slight chance AJ and Finn were just seizing the moment.

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.