10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Oct 6)

2. Randy Orton Wishes He Didn't Wear Trunks

SmackDown Randy Orton Shinsuke Nakamura

At 37 years of age, Randy Orton is still going strong in WWE. Appearing on the E&C Pod Of Awesomeness this week though, Orton admitted that he's finding it harder and harder to stay on top of his slowing metabolism enough to maintain peak physical condition. For that very reason, he regrets choosing to wear trunks as part of his ring attire years ago.

After returning from a lengthy layoff in 2016, Randy said he stood backstage looking in the mirror and was horrified by what stared back at him. During his time off, Orton didn't train much, barely tanned and neglected to shave his body. In other words, he didn't look much like the Randy Orton fans had been used to seeing for years.

Right there and then, Orton thought about changing up his look. That temptation to make changes only heightened when he worked as part of The Wyatt Family. Seeing Luke Harper in blue jeans and a greasy tank top, Randy grew jealous that he was expected to look a certain way.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.