10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sep 1)

7. A Joke Post Led To The Hurricane's Royal Rumble Call

John Cena Hurricane

Imagine putting out a light-hearted post on Instagram about replacing the outgoing Enzo Amore as WWE's main man on 205 Live, then getting a call from company big wigs about a spot in the 2018 Royal Rumble. The Hurricane doesn't need to, because he lived it.

No joke.

During an appearance on Chair Shots To The Cranium, a giggling Shane Helms told how his social media laughs landed him a cameo in the 30-man match this past January. After catching wind of Hurricane's post, WWE decided to get him on the phone and see if he'd be available for the Rumble. He was only too happy to oblige.

Hurricane hasn't gone on to take Amore's place in the Cruiserweight ranks, but he did secure himself a nice one-off return pop and memorable Chokeslam spot with John Cena on the show. Helms even got to hide backstage with Rey Mysterio pre-match.

Wrestling is weird.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.