10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sep 1)

8. Triple H Originally Wanted Bobby Roode As An NXT Coach

bobby roode nxt

If anyone needs creative help on Monday nights, it's Bobby Roode. Since trading NXT success for main roster doldrums, the ex-TNA man has struggled to force his way into WWE's plans, and he's sorely in need of change, and quickly. At this point, being a trainer must seem like a sweet gig to poor Bobby.

That's why Triple H made initial contact with him anyway.

On Lilian Garcia's Chasing Glory podcast, Roode revealed that Trips called him up one evening and asked if he'd be interested in working for NXT as a mentor of sorts for young talent. Likely knowing the worldly experience Roode had, 'The Game' was rather taken aback (but pleased) when Bobby told him he'd rather wrestle full time.

Roode would go on to become NXT Champion, and he's even had a short run as United States Champ on the main roster. That was before sh*t hit the fan though. Despite his success in-ring, it's true WWE originally wanted Roode to put young trainees through their paces.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.