10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 15)

3. Cesaro's Rugby Player Gimmick Was William Regal's Idea

Cesaro Santino Marella

Right back at the beginning of Cesaro's run on the WWE main roster, the announcers harped on about his history as a rugby player who had been kicked out of the team for being too aggressive. Aside from the fact this made him look like a modern-day version of The Goon (an ice hockey player kicked out of the league for constantly fighting), it didn't last long before creative moved on to other ideas.

On Sky Sports, Sheamus ripped into his tag partner's time as a rugby-playing rule breaker and said it had been William Regal's idea. Regal's logic was sound, even though the gimmick didn't work. Feeling that rugby is viewed as a tough sport, the UK legend wanted Cesaro to tape up his legs and consistently show how aggressive he could be inside the ring. Fans just didn't get it.

By the time Cesaro debuted on TV, the rugby-playing aspects of his character were more subtle. He didn't carry a ball or anything (which again would've made him look like a throwback to the mid-90's) and the backstory was left for the announcers to tell.

At least it was better than yodelling.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.