10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 28)

6. Sean Mooney & Vince McMahon Shared A 'Death Stare'

Sean Mooney

Anyone who hopes to someday become an announcer or on screen personality for WWE should look back at Sean Mooney's work on the Network. A strait-laced reporter before being head-hunted for pro wrestling, Mooney's incredulous expressions at the madness going on around him in promos sold the characters as larger-than-life.

In the 80s, Mooney was conducting a live interview with Randy Savage. Vince McMahon had earlier instructed Sean to let things slide and keep Randy talking. He was not, repeat not to interrupt, and so the announcer let Savage go on and on about the injustices of his current feud.

Off camera, McMahon was hugging himself, which was apparently a cue for Mooney to wrap things up.

When he didn't, Vince got angry and chewed Sean out in front of the crew. To everyone's surprise (including his own), Mooney fired back and said he'd never come across that particular 'wrap up' motion in TV land before. After that argument, both men shared what was described as "death stares" all day, and Mooney thought he might lose his gig.

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