10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 29)

8. Jack Swagger Would Accept An MMA Fight Against Brock Lesnar

Jack Swagger

Jack Swagger has said before during interviews that he left WWE to save his own love of pro wrestling. Bored and uninspired by what he was doing in the company, the former World Champion fancied trying his luck elsewhere and has since worked extensively on the independent circuit. Swagger has another goal in mind that extends beyond pro wrestling.

As an ex-amateur wrestler, Jack once scored 30 pins in a single season. He's clearly handy as a fighter, and that's why he'd jump at the chance to move into MMA. Swagger admitted this when talking to the Pancakes & Powerslams show this week, and he even said he'd accept a fight with Brock Lesnar because it'd be great exposure.

Swagger then went on to talk about how difficult MMA is due to the different styles fighters can use. He refused to rule out beating Brock (as ludicrous as that may sound to some), but did say that he wouldn't shy away from the challenge even if it resulted in an ass-kicking.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.