10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 30)

Why did Becky Lynch dislike her NXT debut so much?

Becky Lynch

At both SummerSlam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven, three tag-teams stole the show. Edge and Christian were joined by The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz in creating sheer magic, all under the banner of 'Tables, Ladders and Chairs'. There's little doubt that those two matches upped the ante for what fans could expect from stunt-based bouts involving ladders and tables.

Groundbreaking or not, Matt Hardy has a very interesting view regarding the impact TLC had on his career overall. Find out what that is in this article, one bringing together ten different wrestling facts we didn't know last week.

Joining Hardy's stunning analysis of TLC, there are also facts related to the likes of Becky Lynch, Kurt Angle and the diminutive Hornswoggle. In addition, a fascinating story involving both Rob Van Dam and the actor Jean-Claude Van Damme will leave you raising an eyebrow. You won't believe what happened to RVD when he met the martial arts star.

Top WWE performers marking out, proposed on screen unions that didn't go anywhere and wrestlers who commanded instant respect are all here. Let's look at the facts...

10. T.J Perkins Can't Get Nervous Over Wrestling Due To Real-Life Struggles

Becky Lynch

Today, T.J Perkins is the WWE Cruiserweight Champion. Winning the Cruiserweight Classic tournament on the WWE Network, Perkins is now part of the Monday Night Raw roster. At Clash Of Champions, he made his WWE pay-per-view bow by defeating Brian Kendrick and defending his title. Most might have been nervous about the big debut, however most WWE stars weren't homeless at some point in their lives.

Talking to ESPN about his excitement over everything that's been happening in his career, the reigning champ said he simply can't feel too nervy about going out in front of a live crowd to wrestle. Being on the streets, surviving day-to-day and never knowing where that next meal would come from provided Perkins with enough nervous energy to last a lifetime.

He managed to overcome that strife, and now says he is living out his dreams on a daily basis. That's an interesting way of looking at things, T.J's real-life struggles clearly give him true strength. Even at Clash Of Champions, he wasn't worried about failing, describing the chance to perform as being like "heaven".

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Becky Lynch
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.