10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Sept 30)

2. Matt Hardy Always Felt TLC Matches Would Typecast Him As A 'Spot Monkey'

Becky Lynch

Nobody who witnessed them will ever forget the first two TLC encounters at SummerSlam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven. The Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz and the team of Edge and Christian will forever be remembered for raising the bar in Ladder Matches. It's startling then to learn that Matt Hardy's view on some of his most infamous moments isn't 100% positive.

Alongside his brother Jeff, Matt recently spoke with Sports Illustrated. Maintaining an element of his 'Broken' character, Matt nonetheless peeled back the curtain a little to talk about TLC. In the process, he also revealed his worries in 2000-2001 that he had been typecast as nothing more than a "spot monkey".

Daredevil stunts and bumps were peppered throughout both those original TLC bouts. Seeing guys like Jeff Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb from the top of a Ladder, or Matt crash through tables was a huge part of the appeal.

Matt Hardy recognised this, and fretted over the impact it would have on his career as a wrestler going forward. Naturally, he cherishes those memories too, but said he has been working hard to prove himself as an actual wrestler ever since.

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Becky Lynch
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