10 Wrestling Finishing Moves That Are Genuinely HORRIBLE

5. The Punt Kick

Daniel Garcia Orange Cassidy piledriver

Getting a boot in the face may not be a creative way to finish a show but, boy, does it get a reaction. Originated by Arn Anderson in the 1980s, the Punt Kick became well-recognised after Randy Orton unleashed it on Shawn Michaels in 2007.

Standing 6ft 5 with a size 15 shoe, Orton's field-kick has generated a lot of concerns over potential head-injuries. Considering the Punt Kick is regularly used as a Kayfabe plot-device to write wrestlers off or explain how they got concussed, it wasn't surprising when Orton had it retired in 2012.

At least, for a while. Orton brought it back the following year, saying,

Since I was playing the Legend Killer, I had to bring the Punt Kick back! I've devised a way to tip the kick whether we're taping or live where it's 100 percent safe and I'm not going to hurt anybody.

It's reassuring how Orton's focus is on his fellow wrestlers' safety, but the fact he altered his signature to avoid injuries demonstrates how dangerous it was to begin with. Despite Orton's precautions, some believe the ban should've never been lifted, including John Cena Sr, who recieved the Punt Kick himself in 2007.

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