10 Wrestling Finishing Moves That Are Genuinely HORRIBLE

4. The Vertebreaker - Hurricane Helms

Daniel Garcia Orange Cassidy piledriver

No matter how small or grand a finisher is, it should always be simple. Take the Chokeslam for example. The wrestler is choked, then slammed. Pretty straightforward, isn't it?

However, Hurricane Helm's Vertebreaker (which is the best name ever) requires so much underhooking, twisting, and flipping, it feels more like a puzzle than an attack.

Also, the person caught in the Vertebreaker has their arms restrained and their head exposed, meaning they can't protect themselves if things go awry. Even if the manoeuvre goes smoothly, the most careful wrestler on the planet will still suffer tremendous force on their back and neck.

Furthermore, the Vertebreaker is one of the only moves which needs to be sanctioned by the higher-ups. If a match-ender requires special permission, that's a big indicator it shouldn't be allowed at all.

Finally, Helms could only commit the potential spine-shatterer on certain people, making its usage incredibly limited. As Helms mentioned in his Fightful interview, "There was only about three people I could even pick up."

No one has had their career ended from the Vertebreaker, but that's only because it's rarely carried out. If the move was performed regularly, critical injuries would be abundant.

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