10 Wrestling Gimmick Matches You Won't See Again

7. World War 3

Terri The Kat SummerSlam 2000

WCW liked doing everything bigger, regardless of whether this was in any way a good idea. An example of this fixation is the World War 3 PPV, which had as its centrepiece a 3-ring battle royale.

A battle royale is troublesome enough to make look good when 20 men are waddling around in the same ring, trying to avoid poking each other in the eye as they throw worked punches at whoever's next to them. Multiply this by three and it became impossible to see or follow what was going on, especially as the producers used a split-screen which turned each ring into a tiny postage stamp of flesh-filled static. There was a grandeur to the whole spectacle, but it took about 20 minutes for any kind of story to emerge.

The reason World War 3 isn't going to happen again in the current era of wrestling is that it needs 60 men. Even WCW had to supplant their bloated roster to fill each ring.

WWE has nowhere near enough wrestlers under contract to pull it off, even if they wanted to, which they probably don't.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.