10 Wrestling Gimmicks Handed Down To Other Wrestlers

4. Razor Ramon

Razor Ramon Rick Bognar

There will be a smattering of wrestling fans who still can't believe this sh*t happened.

Scott Hall's decision to leave the WWF and sign for WCW in 1996 left a gaping hole in Vince McMahon's upper card. Egged on by some of his lieutenants, he decided to reprise Hall's famous Razor Ramon character and find someone else to play it. That's when Paul Heyman suggested to Bruce Prichard that Rick Bognar would be perfect.

The WWF jumped at the chance to reintroduce Razor, but it was a disaster. Fans audibly groaned when Bognar strolled out in his best dime store Halloween costume in October 1996, and few could fathom why the company believed it was a solid plan. Meanwhile, Hall was likely laughing his ass off as he earned oodles of cash in the ultra-cool nWo over in WCW.

Bognar was dead in the water as soon as he agreed to play dress up, and he was gone by mid-1997. Oddly enough however, the guy cast as his big hombre at the same time went on to become one of the biggest success stories in federation history...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.