10 Wrestling Gimmicks More Disturbing Than You Think

9. Luke Gallows Was Drugged

Billy Kidman WCW

Speaking of drugs.

WWE decided that fresh CM Punk recruit Luke Gallows needed to add some depth to his decision in 2009. So, they had Punk describe a torturous past that saw Luke's friends ply him with booze and drugs to keep him in a perpetually-inebriated state. In other words, that's why Festus was the way he was.

That gimmick's only hook was that he turned into an unstoppable monster when the bell sounded before matches. 99.9% of the time? Yeah, big Festus was totally passive and in a haze. According to Punk, that's because his mates doped him up to the eyeballs for a laugh.

Man, that's pretty grim.

Festus and his partner Jessie were a lower-card comedy tag-team during their run, and countless other WWE stars ripped the living p*ss out of the big man's erm... laid back personality. That doesn't seem so funny with the reworked backstory Punk added a few years later.

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Billy Kidman
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