10 Wrestling Gimmicks More Disturbing Than You Think

6. Hornswoggle = Unloved Child

Billy Kidman WCW

This is rather depressing too.

WWE presented Hornswoggle as a child because of his physical stature. He couldn't talk until Santa made that possible (?!), and he was even named "Little Bastard" at the start of his run. Technically, this moniker was more accurate than his later one, because the poor sod just needed someone to love him.

Finlay was later revealed as Hornswoggle's true father following that storyline with Vince McMahon; the-then boss was aghast when news broke that the lil' dude was his illegitimate offspring, but WWE moved on from this plot point and brought the Finlay angle to light instead.

Suddenly, Hornswoggle wasn't as angry as he'd been before. If anything, he was full of life and had a beaming smile on his face. Why? Well, he felt loved and wanted for the first time in his life. That's all he had needed from the start, but the father figures in Horny's life neglected him.


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Billy Kidman
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