10 Wrestling Gimmicks More Disturbing Than You Think

5. Adam Bomb Was A Nuclear Disaster Victim

Billy Kidman WCW

It reportedly cost authorities approx $1 billion to cleanup the after-effects of a nuclear meltdown on Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania between 1979-1993. The accident, which was obviously big news, apparently seemed ripe for a cartoonish WWF character the same year that cleanup job was completed.

Adam Bomb was born, green eyes and all.

Put simply, Bomb was said to be a survivor of the nuclear meltdown incident, but he didn't get away with his health intact. No, Adam had a red tongue and those aforementioned green contact lenses in - the company also briefly flirted with the idea that Bomb had superhuman strength due to radiation exposure.

The WWF presented Adam as a villain at first, which means fans were expected to hate somebody just because he'd been affected by a nuclear disaster. How's that for heel purpose?! It's actually quite bleak that someone was booed because he survived exposure to nuclear chemicals.

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Billy Kidman
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