10 Wrestling Gimmicks More Disturbing Than You Think

3. ‘Stone Cold’ Is Based On A Serial Killer

Billy Kidman WCW

Hey, did you know that Steve Austin used real-life killer/burglar Richard Kuklinski as inspiration for his mega-famous 'Stone Cold' character? It's true - Austin was watching a documentary on Kuklinski's life in the mid-1990s, and it was the murderer's 'Ice Man' persona that grabbed him most.

Steve's shaven head, ice cold stare and goatee look was at least partly influenced by Kuklinski's. Of course, as Austin has also revealed, he shaved his head after seeing Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction. That doesn't detract from the fact that a doc on the criminal antics of the 'Ice Man' roused something else in the wrestler.

Those serial killer vibes were not explored much on TV.

'Stone Cold's' frosty demeanour, steely glares and all-round menacing aura were inspired by Kuklinski though. That means one of wrestling's most famous characters ever could point to a serial killing-madman as motivation to try on a different guise for WWF cameras.

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Billy Kidman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.