10 Wrestling Gimmicks Originally Designed For Other Wrestlers

2. The Brood - Christopher Daniels

Vader Warrior

When the concept of The Brood was first created, it’s interesting that the original line-up was slightly different to how it eventually turned out.

Gangrel had been pitching the vampire gimmick to WWF for some time and was eventually given the green light in 1998. As leader of the The Brood, Gangrel was always inked in as the leader of the group; meanwhile, Edge's inclusion was also set in stone as soon as the stable was given the nod.

Christian, however, was not so secure in his spot. In fact, the original plans called for the third man of the group to be none other than Christopher Daniels. Having gone on to become the gothic “Fallen Angel” in the years that followed, it isn’t difficult to imagine Daniels filling the vampire role as a member of The Brood.

chris daniels the brood

As Gangrel tells it, Christopher Daniels was favourite for the third spot in the young vampire stable; however, seemingly out of nowhere, plans were changed and Christian was made the final member of The Brood. Edge had apparently gone to bat for his old friend and was the main factor in Christian making the final cut.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!