10 Wrestling Gimmicks That Got Out Of Control

10. Goldust

TAFKA Goldust baby 2
WWE Network

The original Goldust gimmick was brilliant.

Dustin Rhodes' androgynous movie statuette was unique, and it helped reshape WWF culture in the mid-'90s by introducing a character unafraid to confront controversy or make people feel uncomfortable. Within three years of his debut though, Goldust was taking things way too far.

Rhodes repeatedly tried to shock for the sake of it rather than doing his original mannerisms well. By the time he morphed into the green/pink/purple/blue/red/silver/literally any other colour than gold monstrosity that was 'The Artist Formerly Known As' Goldust, that eye-catching controversy was lost.

At one point (as the rumours go), Dustin even wanted breast implants to stun people further, but Vince McMahon wasn't having any of it. It was almost sad to watch a great performer push the envelope to little success, and it's remarkable that somebody so lost in the late-'90s is still smashing it in AEW today.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.