10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh*t

2. The Miz

10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh T

After his poorly-received WWE Championship run, in which he became a prop in the rivalry between John Cena and The Rock, Miz still carried his reality star beginnings. However, when you have no reputation to protect, you can use any means to build one.

Miz deployed every cheap trick in the business, utilising the classics such as walking out mid-match, mocking the audience’s lack of intelligence, and aiming abuse at the venue’s city. However, Miz was particularly adept as a vocal heel, using his MIZ TV segments as a guise to roast his fellow wrestlers. While his mouth gets him in trouble on the mic, mid-match Miz often utilises begging as a successful distraction tactic.

Miz also implicates others into his spineless antics. He was fond of using his downtrodden protégé Alex Riley both as an illegal ally and a human shield. His Miz-tourage served a similar purpose with a better recruitment drive. However, his greatest ally is his wife Maryse who is on hand to provide a distraction, become an object to hide behind, or even to sneak foreign objects to her husband.

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Sami Zayn
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.