10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh*t

3. The Honky Tonk Man

10 Wrestling Heels That Were Pure Chickensh T

The Honky Tonk Man began life as an Elvis-impersonating babyface who lacked The King’s people skills, quickly becoming a heel. He took much of that Elvis charisma but amped it up to pure unadulterated arrogance.

With a mouth as big as his, Honky slighted many. Though he often evaded backing up his bragging and insults, when cornered, he utilised an arsenal of underhanded tricks. Honky didn’t write the chickensh*t heel bible but added pizzazz to many of its tried and tested tactics.

Honky’s first two big feuds helped define the character and his cowardly ways. The first was against Jake "The Snake" Roberts and is best remembered for a stiff guitar shot that Honky nailed Roberts with in the Snake Pit, and Honky using the ropes to cheat his way to a win at WrestleMania III.

The second defining feud saw Honky clash with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat to become Intercontinental Champion. Though Honky was beat down and flung around the ring, his punishment ultimately fell short. Honky again used the ropes to steal the win and the belt.

Did we mention he shoved Miss Elizabeth?

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Sami Zayn
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.