10 Wrestling Law Enforcement Gimmicks Ranked From Worst To Best

4. The Mountie

fashion police

“You can try to run, but you can never hide. The Mountie always gets his man!”

Jacques Rougeau was so damn good as The Mountie that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police legally banned him from assuming the name while competing in Canada. For some reason, they felt a cheating maniac who shocks people with a cattle prod didn’t reflect well on their image. Canucks, eh?

In the U.S., The Mountie donned a sleeveless scarlet tunic with black breeches Strathcona boots and a Stetson. To Americans who had never stepped foot north of the border, he looked good enough. He also had a killer theme song that described him as handsome, brave and strong.

That first part probably didn’t serve him well after losing a jailhouse match to Big Boss Man at SummerSlam 1991.


Formerly the assistant editor of Wrestledelphia, John has joined the Muthaship at WhatCulture.