10 Wrestling Legends PG Fans Should Know (But Probably Don't)

7. Ox Baker

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG-FO6UnaeQ Ox Baker wrestled around the world and after his debut in the 1960s, he never truly retired from the business until he passed away last year at the age of 80. Despite being a global draw during his prime, Ox makes this list for his character and his ability to generate legitimate heat from an audience. Baker looked insane and he made the crowd believe he was actually dangerous. The pro wrestling genre has been called into question for decades, is it real? Ox Baker made people believe and his sinister interviews added to his heel persona. Two of Baker's opponents died from unrelated conditions after a match with him and it was actually used to enhance his character. Ox was believable enough that as he attacked Ernie Ladd with the heart punch during a match in 1974, the audience feared for Ladd's safety. Fans began throwing chairs and rushed the ring to help Ladd as he shook on the canvas. Ox Baker caused a riot and it speaks volumes to his ability as a performer. After he retired from the ring, Ox become well known for many appearances at conventions and he would happily greet fans with the same wild appearance that once caused a riot.

Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.