10 Wrestling Matches Inspired By The Original WarGames

1. WWE: Elimination Chamber

WCW War Games

A sadistically designed structure of steel and chains which debuted at the 2002 Survivor Series, the Elimination Chamber is a direct descendant of the WarGames. Since then, the match has become the focus of its own annual event -- similar to WarGames' original place as the focus of the yearly Great American Bash tours.

While WarGames was a multi-man match, it was always a team-based bout. Meanwhile, WWE’s Chamber -- while borrowing the staggered entrant system -- holds six superstars all fighting on their own. Much like the WarGames cage, the Elimination Chamber also has a roof on top and a locked door, preventing its participants from escaping.

Among the many matches that can trace their roots back to Dusty Rhodes and his innovative vision for a brand-new match, the Elimination Chamber is chief among them. While NXT has revived the WarGames name, brand, and match itself, WWE's unique structure took the idea and reinvented it. While all of the aforementioned matches from around the country have borrowed the WarGames concept, the Elimination Chamber built on it and created something unique. Not just a revival, but an entirely new WarGames with a legacy all its own.

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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.