10 Wrestling Matches Neither Wrestler Could Afford To Lose

3. Goldberg vs. Kevin Nash (WCW Starrcade 1998)

Kevin Nash Goldberg

The end of Goldberg's winning streak must've made him feel naked.

WCW's own snorting, grunting, Jackhammer-ing, Spearing beast was undefeated until he dropped a match to Kevin Nash at Starrcade 1998. Some excused this as necessary (nobody can go unbeaten forever), but it was another case of wrestling writers putting their own backs up against the wall and necessitating the cheap way out.

They'd busily been building Nash up as a WCW Title contender for months, had booked him to win the 60-man World War 3 battle royal the previous month and knew he was cool and over with the crowds. Matching him up against fellow babyface Goldberg was a mistake then.

Nash had broken out of the nWo bubble (for a while, at least) too, and needed another momentum-building victory. Goldberg, meanwhile, had become reliant on that winning streak to maintain his squash-match-heavy style. One Scott Hall taser shot later, nobody looked like a true winner.

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