10 Wrestling Matches Neither Wrestler Could Afford To Lose

2. CM Punk vs. Triple H (WWE Night Of Champions 2011)

CM Punk Triple H NOC

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Triple H and CM Punk are diametrically opposed as human beings and pro wrestlers. Some guys just don't get along, and that'd sum up their relationship over the years. At Night Of Champions 2011, their personal distrust and professional energy clashed.

The gimmick was that Trips would've been binned as WWE COO had Punk won. That, rather regrettably, told everyone who'd be winning without even watching the match. There was no way Triple H was going to be displaced from power in 2011, though WWE might've spared a thought or two for the fact that Punk was about to become the longest-reigning champion of his era.

What was that about "lose-lose"?

Two months before capturing the WWE Title, Punk lost to Triple H on pay-per-view. Despite interference from Kevin Nash being used as an excuse, it was a depressing night for him.

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CM Punk Ryback
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.