10 Wrestling Matches Too Horrible For WWE To Air

7. Rhyno Vs. Tajiri

Vince McMahon Lash Legend Sarray

When: 2003 (house show).

What Happened: Most older fans reading this will have heard of the time Vince rolled out to put a stop to a Tajiri vs. Rhyno house show match in 2003. Famously, the disinterested chairman grabbed a mic and told the pair that were boring him to sleep. That must have been humiliating for the wrestlers.

It also might've stopped a probable TV feud between them.

Rhyno and Tajiri were fine midcarders at the time, and it's not a stretch to picture them working opposite one another on Raw or SmackDown. Maybe that's what this house show loop was readying them for, but it would never happen - McMahon's "boring" assessment made sure of that.

This writer has a real tough time imagining that the match was even that bad. It doesn't matter if it was or not though, because Vince had final say and he wasn't digging it. Any hopes of a prolonged program between this pair were dashed that night.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.