10 Wrestling Matches Which Quickened Edge's Retirement
1. Tag-Team TLC & Ladder Matches
A Triangle Ladder Match at WrestleMania 2000 and TLC bouts at both SummerSlam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven have all gone down in history, and Edge played his role to perfection. Alongside Christian, The Hardy Boyz, and The Dudley Boyz, the Canadian messed himself up physically by delivering frantic action that was relentless with the violence and big bumps.
Revolutionary would be one way to describe the trio of matches: they are simply must-see for any newcomer to the world of pro wrestling. It's often easy to forget that a mere strike with something like a ladder or a steel chair really hurts, especially when these men were hurling one another through tables and off the top of ladders during each match.
Generally being involved in such bouts is something Edge is clearly proud of, but he directly attributes the desire to top what had come before as a reason why he was forced to walk away from the ring prematurely.
Still in his 30's, Edge's body couldn't take any more damage to the neck, and the man himself looks back to the TLC scraps as a reason why his years in the ring were diminished. It's genuinely hard to argue with that assessment.